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Forum : Question about 30 - CURRENT DATE OLDER messages in QODBCLOG.txt?Search Forum

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 Question about 30 - CURRENT DATE OLDER messages in QODBCLOG.txt? 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2006-04-19 
 Posted : 2006-05-05 01:53:10

Can you enlighten me as to what the following 2 messages mean?

2006-05-04 01:17:58 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************
IsAService: False
SQLOptimize_OpenOptimizeDBHandle prepare:
SELECT "type", "tbl_name" FROM "SQLite_MASTER"
database disk image is malformed

2006-05-04 10:45:03 QODBC Ver: *********************************************************************************************************************
IsAService: Unknown
Startup Failure Calling Update: 30 - CURRENT DATE OLDER

Things appear to be working.  Should I be concerned?  Is there any way to resolve the issues so that these messages do not show up?  They show up REPEATEDLY any time QODBC is used.



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-05-05 08:40:31
Basically you are using the evaluation of QODBC and have moved your system date forward and back under the 30 Day evaluation. This has resulted in a corrupted .opt file. See: How do I switch OFF or RESET the QODBC optimizer? to rectify this. The 30 - CURRENT DATE OLDER message will dissappear once you have purchased a QODBC license and applied the QODBC CD-Key.

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 12 
 Joined: 2006-04-19 
 Posted : 2006-05-06 06:58:09


Aaarrggghhh!!!!  We've been down this path before. 

I have "switched off and reset" the OPT file about 5 different times (for this AND other reasons) since the date change issue took place.  Therefore, how could the OPT file STILL be corrupt?

As a reminder... I'm doing all this for a client.  They have the Enterpise version of QB 6, which is legit. 

This problem started when I upgraded their QODBC to the latest version (from your web site).

Following the upgrade, their QODBC then showed to be the eval version (prior to the upgrade it did NOT show as the eval version).  This error message started whenever I followed the procedure you suggested in the Forum FAQ with a subject of "I am a QuickBooks Enterprise user and updated QODBC but it now runs as an Evaluation only? "  In that procedure you state:

To remove the evaluation message, simply change your workstation date to next month beyond the current 30 day evaluation period and launch the QODBC Setup screen. Locate the "QODBC Driver for QuickBooks" program group on your desktop. Click on the "QODBC Setup Screen" icon to launch the setup program supplied with QODBC.

Click on the About button and check that the evaluation period has been expired by the change of your system date. Once that's done, restore your system date to today's date and QODBC will run in the normal Enterprise (Read only) Editon mode for QuickBooks 2006 Enterprise users.

Why is what you're saying to me now so different from what is posted in your FAQ?  Why do you act like I've done something wrong, when I've followed YOUR stated procedure?

You now say "The 30 - CURRENT DATE OLDER message will dissappear once you have purchased a QODBC license and applied the QODBC CD-Key."  This client had  a licensed version to begin with (based on being a QB 6 Enterprise client). It was only after applying the upgrade that this started.

A more complete, clarifying answer would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-05-06 17:20:14

The procedure stated to use only the QODBC Setup Screen only which doesn't do any queries to corrupt the opt file. For everyone in the world, except for USA users with QuickBooks 2006 Enterprise Edition, they need a CD Key to rectify the "The 30 - CURRENT DATE OLDER" message if dates are played with.

This problem has come about because there's actually a different QODBC install file for QuickBooks 2006 Enterprise Edition users which unfortunately hasn't been updated since initially released for Intuit.

My understanding is that the safest way to use the full version of QODBC with QuickBooks 2006 Enterprise Edition users is to simply let the 30 day evaluation period expire by itself after 30 days. The full product will expire allowing the secondary test to see if QuickBooks 2006 Enterprise Edition is present to be verified and QODBC will continue to run in Read-Only mode.

Basically it's a case of don't do nothing and it will still work.


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