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Forum : Adagio FX and QuickBooksSearch Forum

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 Adagio FX and QuickBooks 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 1 
 Joined: 2008-11-07 
 Posted : 2008-11-07 04:11:15

I am a user of Adagio's FX.  I use the product to produce financial statements for clients using QuickBooks.  The problem I am experiencing is that for QB datasets that use classes, not all transactions retrieve correctly into Adagio FX.  As an example,  please see the information below which compares the imported fx data with the original QB data.  As you can see the account total for the organization is correct at $14,239.92, but some of the individual departments (classes in QB) are incorrect.  The problem relates to transactions where the same account (675.00) was used in more than one class for a given vendor invoice.  That is if an payment to a vendor of $500.00 was made and coded to $200.00 to 675.00-11000 and $300.00 to 675.00-12000, the system would not be able to differentiate and split the transaction properly, so FX would dump the transaction amount of $500.00 into the account 675.00 with no department.  In speaking with Softrak Systems the makers of FX, they have found that only with the Enterprise version of QuickBooks will datasets with classes relieabley work. When run with Enterprise, this dataset worked perfectly.

Please advise. 

Details -       675.00-`
Account Description FX Data QB Data
      675.00-             Restaurant Conference                    5,415.32
      675.00-       11000 Restaurant Conference - 01-Administrativ 5,748.49 6,794.16
      675.00-       12000 Restaurant Conference - 02-Board of Dire 940.30 2,141.46
      675.00-       13000 Restaurant Conference - 03-President     153.19 198.39
      675.00-       14000 Restaurant Conference - 07-Executive Dir 0.00
      675.00-       15000 Restaurant Conference - 09-Labor Represe 374.85 643.94
      675.00-       17000 Restaurant Conference - 14-Membership    0.00
      675.00-       18000 Restaurant Conference - 15-Legislative   98.78 197.29
      675.00-       20000 Restaurant Conference - 19-Delegates Spe 95.00 2,380.73
      675.00-       21000 Restaurant Conference - 20-614 Negotiati 0.00 9.23
      675.00-       22000 Restaurant Conference - 21-612 Negotiati 0.00 59.51
      675.00-       23000 Restaurant Conference - 22-632 Negotiati 0.00 120.41
      675.00-       24000 Restaurant Conference - 23-621 Negotiati 182.19 463.00
      675.00-       27000 Restaurant Conference - 27-Retirement Fu 0.00
      675.00-       29000 Restaurant Conference - 35-Other Associa 564.73 564.73
      675.00-       32000 Restaurant Conference - 41-Jim Cronin    135.70 135.70
      675.00-       34000 Restaurant Conference - 42-Karen Dooley  47.31 47.31
      675.00-       37000 Restaurant Conference - 45- Brian Morigu 0.00
      675.00-       38000 Restaurant Conference - 46 - Brian Hale  0.00
      675.00-       39000 Restaurant Conference - 47-Joe Walker    0.00
      675.00-       41000 Restaurant Conference - 50-David Vidal   0.00
      675.00-       42000 Restaurant Conference - 54-Brett Bodenst 0.00
      675.00-       43000 Restaurant Conference - 64-Arthur Reddy  0.00
      675.00-       45000 Restaurant Conference - 71-Robert Lindse 24.45 24.45
      675.00-       46000 Restaurant Conference - 72-Kevin Thompso 134.70 134.70
      675.00-       47000 Restaurant Conference - 75-James Blanken 324.91 324.91
      675.00-       48000 Restaurant Conference - 49-Andrew Lee    0.00
Total 14,239.92 14239.92




 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-11-07 08:11:01
You need to talk to Softrak Systems regarding Adagio's FX support as I would need to know the actual SQL Statement being used. 

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