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Forum : Performance degradation overnite...Search Forum

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 Performance degradation overnite... 
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 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2006-04-05 
 Posted : 2008-09-06 00:35:43

Need some quick help on possible causes/solutions:

Have a VFP/QODBC solution for a client which has behaved quickly for literally years.  QB Company file resides on a network drive, but again, this has never been an issue.

Account runs a bank rec the other day and now creation of a single expense entry for a single check went from 1-2 seconds to over 10 minutes.  I told the account to run a Condense on the QB file and the network admin to see if there are any erroneous file locks, but beyond that I am stumped!

Any ideas? 



 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-09-06 09:14:10
None of the above factors have a real bearing on why the sudden change. You're looking for another peice to the puzzle. Has the performance overall changed (ie: everything outside of your interface)? 

 Group: Members 
 Posts: 2 
 Joined: 2006-04-05 
 Posted : 2008-09-06 13:17:05
Tom, unfortunately no other performance issues have been noted by the client with QB... but then they only use it to print checks and those are created by my app.  As everything was working one day and not the next, I am a total loss because the app has not changed... thus leading me to believe it is something with QB, network access, or QODBC.  Has anyone reported this type of behavior before? 

 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2008-09-06 16:09:12

Well the only well known performance degradation is from changing the company file from single user access to multi-user access. I'm thinking the company file may have been in single user mode but when the bank rec was done someone may have changed it to multi-user and left it that way.

When QODBC connects you can force the connection open mode to single user.

See: How do I build a connection string with all the available QODBC parameters? for more.


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