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Forum : Release FixesSearch Forum

Forum Home > QODBC - ODBC Driver for QuickBooks > QODBC Updates and Bug Fixes

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 Release Fixes 
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 Group: Administrator 
 Posts: 5510 
 Joined: 2006-02-17 
 Posted : 2006-02-26 11:16:11

Fixed an issue with adding VendorCreditline.
Added QtyOnHand and Cost fields to the Force_Unoptimized list for ItemInventoryAssemblyTable.
Has code to make ItemInventory.QtyOnHand force Unoptimized. (Also Customer.Balance, Customer.TotalBalance, Vendor.Balance, Account.Balance, Account.TotalBalance). Added FORCE_UNOPTIMIZED column to sp_columns.
Issues with Iterating the Sales tables.
Corrected SP_TABLES and SP_COLUMN names back to original values. The columns still are the new names SQLTables, SQLColumns API commands.
Changed the way items are read from the Registry regarding DSNs.

Was not updating EstimateLines with Group Items
Could not append a new line on any line item tables when using the TxnID as the first value set.
SalesReceiptLine could not be modified.
There was an Issue with several line item tables where they were duplicating rows when changing the ItemRefListID of the line. This was corrected by changing the definition of FQPrimaryKey. The “Reload All Data” should be run after installing this update.
SP_BATCHSTART was not properly clearing the previous batch when starting a new one.
Updates to time fields when the minute field calculated to 0 minutes caused an error.
Renamed columns in sp_tables, sp_columns, sp_specialcolumns and sp_primarykeys to reflect the 3.0 naming convention from Microsoft.


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